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Fred Scala to represent Ireland in the  European Eventing Championships 2021

More exciting news as we find out that another Yeoman Haylage fuelled horse and his partner Fred Scala are about to set off for the European Eventing Championships in Switzerland in a few days.


Fred, a true eventing professional from St Ives in Cornwall - an impressive competition rider in the upper echelons of eventing, will be representing Ireland as part of the Irish team on board his magnificent horse Donald.


Fred says “I'm very pleased to announce that Donald and I have been selected to represent Ireland at the European Championships in Switzerland this year.


“This will be my first senior championship and I look forward to a good competition with a strong team of Irish riders.


“Thank you to everyone that has supported me on the way to this important milestone and most of all thank you Donald without you I would not have rekindled my ambitions.”


Liz, Nick, John and the team at Yeoman Haylage are thrilled for Fred and Donald.


Photo of Fred and Donald courtesy of Jayphotos.

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